... i am feeling slothful - not in the area of noah, travel, maya road but in other areas. there are areas in my life i need to improve - like my health and having more date nights with david and creating and cleaning...
they were wrong about a woman being able to do it all. it is a myth. a true myth. and in fact i don't think i even want to do it all. but i need to find balance.
i need to start going to the gym again (noah can go to the daycare with me). i used to be all about being thin but even now when i am at a weight that i haven't seen since the college years, i realize that i want my muscles and performance back!
and i miss those days when david and i would go to barnes and nobles and then off to the $1.00 movie. we need those nights back.
and i want to reorganize my scrap space, office and probably get new carpet this year.
and i want to take noah to my parents house. he has seen them here and in HK and at MT but i want him to see their house to see some of my things i had growing up.
that is why i am excited that we are only doing 2 shows this year. i have other goals in my life besides the MR ones. and i am ready to start accomplishing them.
for now though i am working on MR and getting better. then after the tradeshow, i am ready for a break - LOL!
so last night when i couldn't sleep due to the jet lag, i started creating again. and of course there is a sneak peek in here too!
more of our like butter rubons! but this time in brown and cream and black and white. the designs are fabulous! can you see the flourish i used on the noah at 7 months LO?
again, this will be some of the best value in the industry - where else can you get 9 sheets of like-butter rub-ons, in a GAGGLE of designs, in a signature storage MR tin for about $15.00 - $16.00? and you the answer is no where!
and of course the designs match our chipboard and ribbons and other things.
but we still have a couple of more things up our sleeves! we are introducing 2 new product lines which MR has NEVER done before but i think you will love what we do. we will continue with our awesome chippies and ribbons and velvet but just wait til you see what we have got (but no worries no paper here)!
have a great thursday!