Monday, February 27, 2006


so i see the UPS truck man today run up to my door, drop a package and run off like he is the world's fastest marathoner (at least he was kind enough to ring the door bell this time) and i can't believe it is a package for me that isn't related to MR or junk mail! It was a red box from one of my fave stores - what could it be? I didn't remember buying myself anything...

I opened up the box to find this cute little shirt in it for our baby! And read what it says on the back. So cute - and I must thank my friend (you know who you are) for sending it to me!

Our little guy is going to be super stylish. It is hard to believe that I only have about 4 months left! And so much to do! But my body keeps changing and the waddling is becoming more frequent. We are working on names but it is hard trying to incorporate 2.333 heritages into 1 name that flows (hispanic-chinese-lebanese) and still make sure he can fit his name on all the standardized tests with limited spaces and we are trying to limit the number of hypens in his name (for example, mine has 2). Most of all, we can't wait to MEET HIM! He has been an active one - I probably get kicked like 20 times an hour especially around bed time and after bedtime.

And hopefully he will display all the traits listed on this year of the dog shirt!!!

PS - per my last post, the news with MR will be coming up in the next week or so - not long now! But I can't say more than that!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

a lazy day...

well my best laid plans for running a 5k was foiled by mother nature again - who would have thought TX of all places would have thunderstorms in FEBRUARY??? in the best interest of my health and the baby's health, we decided to wait until next weekend and hope for better weather. running in 45 degree weather is not my baby's cup of tea i don't think. but i did not take the sloth way, i did go to the gym and worked my butt off - i think my baby enjoyed it too!

and i FINALLY made a LO last night- this one you see my doll holding up. these are some pictures we used for some displays for CHA that i didn't want to chuck so i am going to do an album with them. i painted the ghost letters with gesso to give them a nice color. simple, a bit shabby but totally me... it is nice to recognize your style finally after years of working at it. it is also interesting to watch it change a bit with time, moods, experiences and more. i wonder what i will think of my LOs 3 years from now? but you can count on me not redoing them...

today was a mini Maya Road day - i actually took a break, cleaned the house and i feel refreshed to get back into it tomorrow and next week. deb and i have so many good things planned and something special coming up soon but i can't say more than that for now - but be on the look out for some news from us (wink wink).

good night, all!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

good fortune...

so we went to a chinese restaurant today and i got the following fortune " work on improving your exercise routine" - is that a sign? LOL! i had mentioned in my blog that i was going to run a 5k last weekend. i was except there was freezing rain here in TX and i figured the baby wouldn't be too happy with me on that occasion so i am hoping this weekend is better. i already have the 5K picked out.

i got the following pics from my friend, J, today of some goodies i sent her kiddos. it is so nice to see joy in kids' faces b/c it is so real. so when it is that we learn to fake things like joy or smiles?

PS i still haven't done my layout yet but i think tonight might be the night!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

a tug of emotions...

i had created this LO about a week ago... sadly, i haven't touched any of my supplies since. it seems that i run into this vicious cycle of guilt when it comes to scrapbooking and running this company.

... i will think "hey i should work on a LO tonight" but then i look at the piles of emails still left to answer and the scores of things still left to do and i feel guilty for wanting to work on something outside of the company. really guilty. guilty enought to not do it. it all seems so ironic - i have a scrapbooking company but it prevents me from scrapbooking!what is up with THAT? and how do i function.

i almost fear taking 1 hour to create sometimes and i really need to stop and just do it. there will always be emails to answer. calls to return. orders to look up. people to contact. if i remember to reset my clock, i probably am more efficient that way. so i think that is what i will do tonight. remember to create just for creation's sake.

isn't that what it is all about?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

the good stuff...

a couple of thoughts, i wanted to share with your our "coffee break" tin which is a small lunch box. i decorated this one for valentine's day - i am sure my baby boy won't want it as it is pink and brown but i will keep it! LOL! deb and i really dig this box for a number of reasons - including the size and b/c you can take the handle off (makes adhering papers and making templates a lot easier). these are making their way across the ocean right now and will be here in march!
speaking of valentine's day, my DH did a good job this year! i ended up with a card, flowers and some diamond earrings! (and i know he lurks around on my blog so here is a XOXO to you, hon).
and i did get my run in today - still contemplating the 5k on saturday but here is the funniest thing - i was on my run tonight and as this gaggle of teenage boys ride by in their suburban, i got a wolf whistle. i had to LOL b/c they only saw me from the back; i am sure when they drove by and saw my front they might have been like "dude, we whistled at a pregnant lady" -LOL and one who is old enough to be their mom almost. but hey, i will take what appreciation i can get!
after that energy rush, i feel the need to create. so off i go now to play with some SBing goodies.

itching to run....

but my new shoes arrive today! so i guess i will have to wait! i am contemplating running a 5k this weekend just for fun - I used to be so competitive but I think my baby might enjoy it - he (yes i said - HE (wink wink) is already very active). but my DH is afraid i will be too competitive... we will see....

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

RAK winner

Happy Valentine's Day. I am here to announce the RAK winner! It is kerry who posted

"Kerry said...
Serious???? Can it be done????I'm a huge fan of anything chipboard so I drool over that portion of your line the most. But I think it's YOU that I love the most. Without you (and your sis) there would be no Maya Road and nothing to drool over.Final answer - YOU!!!! "

Thank you all for letting us know what you like.

Kerry, please email me with your address (

Be sure to check back for more ponderings and RAKs!

Saturday, February 11, 2006


so i just spent $200 on shoes tonight and no they were not like jimmy choos or other fancy stuff but good old running shoes. my only complaint about running shoes is that all the stylish ones are for people that don't have FLAT FEET! this is as close as i can get to stylish running shoes. i also chose another pair and some running socks. the socks are sweet b/c they are stitched to fit the left or right foot and there is a "L" or "R" stitched on the toes - LOL! trust me they are worth it after you get some bad blisters or start to bruise toenails.

sometimes i wonder if running is a hobby i take a break with from scrapbooking or the other way around. i guess with running the business, it seems that running is now my hobby rather than the other way around. i already have my jogging stroller planned out and my goals set after the baby is born. i am hoping the baby will cheer me on as i start back doing local races (and hopefully placing in my age group once again)... i am sure he and david will be there and i cannot wait!

Friday, February 10, 2006

my absurb picture of the day...

... i was so cracking up when i saw this ad in my sunday's paper - does barbie look cross-eyed to you???

i swear she is in the ad!

have a great weekend! and don't forget about the RAK i have listed a couple of posts below...

All about me...

So I have been tagged...

The rules for this particular tagging are as follows:
Remove the blog name in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add yourself to the bottom slot.

1. Carrie
2. Torrey
3. Colleen
4. Carrie Z.
5. Caroline

Passin' the love on to the following- DEB

What were you doing 10 years ago?

Let's see 10 years ago I was in college finishing up my education at Georgia Tech (go Jackets) in Chemical Engineering. Yup, heading down the road to nerd-dom.

Five snacks you enjoy (in no particular order, as all snacks are created equal):

1. Fried Pickles (don't knock it til you have tried it)
2. Chocolate (dark, milk, caramel - it is all good)
3. Cheese (even the smelly stuff LOL)
4. Carrots
5. Oranges

Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics:

I think I know the lyrics to 75% of the songs on the radio (except the super new trendy stuff). I know, I need to purge my brain and fill it with other stuff.

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:

1. Donate a bunch of it.
2. Move to Maui.
3. Invest some of it in Maya Road.
4. Allow my DH to stop working for "the man".
5. Give some to our families.

Five bad habits:

1. I am impatient
2. I sometimes use bad words (working on this one)
3. I like things my way
4. I eat a lot of junk food
5. I am not neat

Five things you like doing:

1. Running / exercising
2. Scrapbooking
3. Eating sushi (putting that on hold)
4. Being alone
5. Running Maya Road

Five things you would never wear, buy, or get again:

1. Crappy SBing "tools" that don't deliver
2. Jammer shorts
3. Strapless tops
4. My mullet haircut from the 80's
5. My afro perm-gone-bad-in-high-school from the 90's

Five favorite toys:

1. My Canon Power Shot
2. My IPOD
3. Scissors
4. Cardstock and paper (give me some scissors and cardstock/paper and I can do almost anything)
5. My running shoes

First time you got kissed- How was it?

Gotta remember I was super geek in high school so it was like my freshman year in college before it happened. I was 18 and had gone on this blind date with this guy. It went well but when he came in for the kill, I wasn't quite ready yet so I think I just left after that (LOL!) But I think I finally got the hang of it.

Then there were a blur of boys nonstop after that.

First time you drove a car: What kind of car?

My parents gave me a sweet reliant K-car (car enthusiasts will laugh) - and they were so kind to turn it from a faded pretty maroon color and painted it BEIGE. LOL.

First time you scrapbooked:

I have a scrapbook from 1991 - but it was all cut and paste then.

First time you went on a date:

See the nerd reference and blind date in college.

First time you fell in love: How did you know?

This is an interesting question - I have always had crushes on boys but probably my second year in college.

First time you got on a plane:

I don't remember this one but my mom tells me I was about a year old and we traveled to Hong Kong. I have always been a flier.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

a RAK...

... i wanted to post this separate from my last post as i had promised a RAK in an earlier entry - a lot of flowers and blossoms in this one - from blossom slides to a blossom book (which i believe is in high demand right now), to flower ribbons to blossom chipboard - all can be yours as a RAK!

... what do you need to do? no purchase necessary. just post here (if you post anon though, i can't trace back to you) and tell me what is your FAVORITE Maya Road product. if you don't know anything about us, then why are you reading my blog anyways - just kidding! - check out and see what you like. so for example i would post - "caroline, i love the blossom ribbon slides!" and leave a poster name so i could be reached. any posts from now until monday (feb 13th) 8 am CST is eligible. and my DH will randomly pick a winner (he can be bribed with hamburgers and chocolate)! so check back if you do post to see if you won! if you have questions, email me at
good luck!


... before my run today, i decided to document what an almost 6 month pregnant woman who is running looks like - i typicially run in shorts and a jog bra esp in the hot texas heat so i took my picture with the same outfit i typically have on. it is interesting to see myself - i can see the blue veins in my belly but they don't bother me- i can see the dry patch of skin i have developed since being pregnant that itches like CRAZY. but it is still the same old me i can see...

running which used to be a constant in my life has taken some what of a back seat but i am ok with it. i already have my jogging stroller planned and i think i might still tackle the half marathon in november but for now, i am enjoying the rest...

... speaking of rest, this has become a hectic week for us. we are excited to be moving warehouses - as we have outgrown our current place and while this means great changes in the long run, right now there is just this big HUMP to get over - to get the inventories right - to get the new stuff that just arrived into inventory and get a new system in place. but it is all good. we hope this will provide our customers with better behind the scenes shipment turnaround time.

but there are things that bother me - people that don't even try to understand that we just got back from a trade show to 400 emails so no, we didn't get to your email you sent on monday, and yes we did get your email on monday and tried to email you back but it bounced and really there is no need to be grumpy on the phone or hang up 2x a day b/c you get voice mail ( it is because we are trying to get things into the new warehouse and yes, we have caller ID so we can see how many times the same person hung up). and then there are the other ones who keep calling / emailing and asking for a catalog the last 3 days and we have tried to explain we had them all shipped from the show on Monday so please be patient as they won't get back til today.

for the others, i just want to say thank you for your patience. it means a lot to us. we are working as fast as we can but with the volume of growth we have had in the last 6 months, we do have our limitations. and we can admit that. that is why we are trying to line out some things for the better - sometimes we succeed, sometimes we don't... but that is all a process of learning about our business. let me say that we *wish* we could hire 20-30 people to help us handle everything but we prefer to keep ourselves in a financially secure position so that we can continue to do what we love to do.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

happy new year!

well on the first night of the CHA show set up, my family celebrated Chinese New Year together (with some spicy Korean food - yum yum)... it is after all the year of the dog and both Deb and my baby will be under that sign. This is a rather big celebration in Asia (a whole week off of work, etc) - in fact some of our shipments had to be planned around this from Asia...
When I arrived home, i found an envelope addressed to me from David's youngest brother. Now I start off by saying that our families are from OPPOSITE ends of the cultural perspectives - with me being Chinese and the majority of his heritage as Hispanic. Often times, it makes for funny family get togethers - like my big Chinese family will try to get David egg rolls or chili peppers or curry b/c they aren't quite sure what he likes to eat except they know at one point he enjoyed that food. And David's family will try to get me something other than the snacks they sometimes eat for dinner (what they call fend-for-yourself- night) b/c they know i sort of like healthy food...
...but back to this envelope. i opened it up to a big flap of Maya Road ribbons. and i pulled out the following foam card from my BIL - matt.
there he was again with the puff paint and i was very impressed that he took the time to research the year of the dog and he was fairly close on the chinese characters for "Happy New Year"! ... of course, he had an ulterior motive. on the inside of the card, he had obviously done enough research to know that you get "lucky money" from your married elders for new year's. so he included a self address stamped envelope and a "lucky money" envelope for us to send him some cash as he is a poor college student. and i think we might seeing as he put so much time and effort into this card.
i just wanted to share this with you all!!!
i will have more photos from the booth tomorrow and a chance to win a RAK of some of our cool stuff!

Monday, February 06, 2006

thank u...

... I AM POOPED... but i wanted to say thank you for all the people who made CHA wonderful.... deb and i set goals for each show and i can tell you all the wonderful customers of ours more than doubled what i had expected from an orders perspective at the show... i must say i get nervous before shows as it is hard - we tend to march to our own drum - not coming out with papers or things of that sort but things we think are great basics to go with all those awesome papers out there...

i have so much to share from the show but a couple of thank yous from us to:

1. Barb (the canadian one) - who brought us fresh baked cookies b/c she knew i was pregnant (everyone at the booth devoured them!)
2. the australian customer (i don't know who) who brought use TIM TAMS - kick butt chocolate biscuits (cookies)
3. Melissa D from the fontwerks booth - for the beautiful baby blanket you gave us. our baby will love it.
4. Jessica - for working our booth (and for the baby goodies)
5. The ladies from Paper Tales in MI - you both have been faithful customers of ours and it was so nice talking to you at the 2Ps dinner.
6. Wendy M - just for stopping by to say hello to us - wish we had more time to chat!

So many more but that is all i can think of for right now. All of you made it worth it and balanced out all the grumpy ppl that were there too (LOL).