Monday, November 13, 2006

RAK winner and more!

so for the winner of my last RAK (pen and more) - anam - email me! please note that the pen that was in the picture, i left in regina but no fear, i have another one i made just for you! so email me at

i have been in a LO frenzy these last 2 weeks. some of it has been the inspiration from ALL of the entries we had for our DT search. we will be calling the new members tomorrow. every single entry was a true work of art. and with that i was and still am inspired. so THANK YOU all who entered.

and know what limited time i have, i have been carving out 15 mins of time to create something once in a while. here are 3 LOs i did:

and i can't wait til thanksgiving - to have some more time to create again!

PST: almost all of our MT things arrive to the W/H this week so look for it SOON!


At 11/14/2006 09:23:00 AM, Blogger Shirley said...

Love the new layouts! But that one of your dad still cracks me up!!!! :)

At 11/14/2006 01:15:00 PM, Blogger Andrea Wiebe said...

i seriously love your layouts...they look so great :) can't wait to find out who is on the MR dt...very exciting :)

At 11/14/2006 11:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too love the one of your dad...priceless!!!! Can't wait to see the new DT!!!

At 11/16/2006 10:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Congrats Anam!! Lucky girl! Great pages Caroline!


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