well we are BACK and the reason i think i am insane is that we actually DROVE to Chicago from Dallas with Noah (non stop on the way there) for 20 hours and did the show and DROVE back all while noah was 7 weeks old. round trip close to 1900 miles. we won't be doing THAT again.
but as you can see, we all enjoyed ourselves - even noah. and we missed deb, david 2.0 and jonathan terribly but we got it done. like i said in my last post, we do take this personally (deb and i) b/c MR is like our first baby.
i was telling someone the other day that sometimes we feel like MR is the smartest nerd in your high school that you have to acknowledge is there but will never be the one you take to the prom or make home coming queen when i think of ourselves compared to other companies. but that is cool - you know why? the world needs nerds.
and i want to thank everyone that stopped by. i wish i had a chance to speak to each and every one of you - and i hope that we were all polite and kind to everyone who stopped by b/c we tried to be (although, the 1 am catalog assembly made for some grumpy ppl - LOL). but just remember we are all human and we do the best we can.
so much more to say and tell but we will have to wait til i get through my 300 new emails...
we will pick a winner of the chipboard set tomorrow so get ready! and thanks again for all of your support.
oh yeah if you want to see our FULL line and start stalking and/or harassing your LSS to carry it, here are all of our new goodies: