Saturday, May 12, 2007

happy mother's day!

wow, tomorrow will be my first mother's day! i am being swept up by what this year has brought me. last year this time, i was waddling around in the 100 F texas heat and so ready to meet our new baby. my feet hurt, baby noah was kicking up a storm and i was just frantically getting everything i could get done before he arrived!

and now here i am a year later with a baby that could be no more perfect for david and i than he already is (God knows what He is doing - LOL). even with the sleepless nights and all i wouldn't trade this year for anything else!

we are going to have a small celebration here for him next week with some friends. i hate waiting til the last minute so the little party favors have been finished already (can you believe i used some scrapbooking supplies to complete those - LOL). i just need to figure out what i want to do for his cake and work on the food this coming week.

last night i decided i needed to scrapbook - i had found this polaroid photo lying around the house and just as i was about to throw it away, i decided it would be perfect layout material.

i am about to sign up for my 7th half marathon. it will be coming up in september which seems so far away but also is a lot closer than i think. it did feel good to do a layout about me rather than baby noah (not that he isn't the perfect subject - LOL).

which brings me to my latest RAK:

lots of Maya Road yummies! so i will be sending this bag of eye candy to someone. here is what you need to do.

i want to see you post a question here for me. it has been a while since i have asked what you all like to read about. i know i still need to post on inventory and what that means to us but i want to hear what you all are interested in knowing about. i will try to answer some this week. post here in the next 3 days for a chance to win this stash but you have to ask me a question!

and i will leave you with this. CHA is around the corner so on friday i got a sample of one our new Maya Road tins (that MR goodies will be coming in). and all i have to say is i am in love....


At 5/13/2007 12:13:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What/where do you turn to for inspiration when you are creating new products?

At 5/13/2007 01:10:00 AM, Blogger Kelley said...

I would love to know how you keep coming up with new ideas for new products - And are you going to expand your lines to make different things - eg: papers?

At 5/13/2007 01:37:00 AM, Blogger Mel Nunn said...

Hi Caroline!! I love your blog and your products are so cool. You guys rock the chipboard!! My question: What is the crazierst idea you have had for MR that hasn't made it to production?? (ie when you guys were mucking around or being silly ;-)

Ever thought of brads and other embellies??


At 5/13/2007 02:39:00 AM, Blogger Sasha Farina said...

Hi Caroline... Happy Mother's Day!!!

My q : Do you wish Noah will scrap when he grows up?

At 5/13/2007 04:26:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day Caroline! My question is - do you listen to music when you run, and what would be/is on your iPod?

At 5/13/2007 07:27:00 AM, Blogger Julie said...

Love the paper on your page here Caroline.

My questions is

How long have you been scrapping for and where do you get your inspiration from.

At 5/13/2007 08:30:00 AM, Blogger Shirley said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Now that you and D are mothers, are you going to have baby-inspired chipboard and ribbons?

At 5/13/2007 11:11:00 AM, Blogger Sophia said...

Happy Mother's Day, hope you got spoilt...

My question is this:-

I live in Durban, South Africa where can I purchase your awesome MR product from in our country?


At 5/13/2007 12:02:00 PM, Blogger Amber said...

Happy Mothers Day! Enjoy it :)

my question is what do you do to unwind after a very stressful day or week?

At 5/13/2007 01:16:00 PM, Blogger Cheryl said...

Happy Mother's Day!!! I'd like to know what inspires you when you create your layouts? Do you read all the idea books or buy magazines?

At 5/13/2007 02:44:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My daughters name is Maya which is why I started buying your products, but I want to know if you create your personal items with only MR products or are you an equal opportunity creative spirit?

At 5/13/2007 03:09:00 PM, Blogger Margie Higuchi said...

Happy MOM's Day!!

Q: What got you started with all this running and do you think about when you run?

At 5/13/2007 09:23:00 PM, Blogger Dale Anne Potter said...

Which do you LOVE designing more - new goodies for Maya Road or layouts for your design team work?


At 5/13/2007 09:41:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Mother's Day Ladies!!!
Long time since posting, I'm sorry :(
Question for you is your thoughts on the publishing end of the scrapbooking craft. In other words, do you think publishing is on the decline with the magazines in different states of flux? Do you think most magazines are disenchanted with some scrappers that have "attitude" and are sticking to layouts from Manufacturer Design Teams to fill content and correspond with ads?
Did you have a great dessert for Mother's Day? LOL
Take care you guys! Love ya! <3

At 5/14/2007 12:03:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love all your great MR products!!
I'm a Mommy to a 3 year old and 1 year old and can hardly keep up with the keeping them fed and my question for you is...
What is your secret to juggling baby, career, MR and also finding time to do things for yourself like run? It just amazes me that you manage to do it all :-)

Jen from BC Canada

At 5/14/2007 12:18:00 AM, Blogger lacintha said...

Hi C...Just wanted to pop in and say Happy Mommies Day to you,and Deb :)

I have a zillion questions of course, but I'll stick to one for now:

Is Noah going to have a brother or sister anytime in the near future?...hee-hee...You must know I'd ask a question like that! ;)

Ciao Baby!

At 5/14/2007 12:46:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day Caroline! I hope it was wonderful:)

My question to you is: where do you see MR in 5 yrs?

At 5/14/2007 07:13:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have only been reading your blog for about a month, so I don't know what history you have written about before. Sooooo - how did you come to designing all of the wonderful chipboard accessories? Thanks, Marilyn Cline

At 5/14/2007 08:26:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What insires you? Do you read a lot of books / blogs / magazines? what ispires your product creation?

At 5/14/2007 09:26:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you come up with fresh and new ideas for product? I'm always amazed when I see the new stuff and say, "What a great idea!"

Sue in Alexandria VA

At 5/14/2007 10:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with all that you do? If so how do you deal with it?

At 5/14/2007 11:11:00 AM, Blogger sheetal patel said...

hi caroline!

happy mother's day!

my question--what charities do you hold near and dear to your heart?

At 5/14/2007 11:16:00 AM, Blogger Heather M. said...

WTG on signing up for another half! Awesome layout!

At 5/14/2007 11:16:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon your blog a few months ago and now visit quite often. My questions are how did this business get started for you?
How do you get your new product ideas?


At 5/14/2007 01:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My question is how long does it take to develop a new product?

I love your products and I'm glad I found my way to both blogs.
wic2turk @

At 5/14/2007 01:36:00 PM, Blogger Cathy Pascual said...

Do you prototype all your new products yourself? Do you have staff or assistants to help you use the product before going into full production?

At 5/14/2007 03:51:00 PM, Blogger Susan said...

Hi Caroline! Have you thought about painting Noah's hands & feet and putting his imprint onto a LO?! I did that with all my girls and it will be a cherished memory!

At 5/14/2007 05:08:00 PM, Blogger Julie Overby said...

My question is one one that I think I've asked before but I'm not sure if you ever had a chance to answer. I LOVE the design of all your products and I was wondering if you will ever be coming out with a line of paper?

At 5/14/2007 09:02:00 PM, Blogger StacyC said...

Hi... Belated Happy Mother's Day..
My question is: Who came up with the idea of the tins and what is the inspirtation behind them... BTW, I love the tins....

Thank, Stacy

At 5/15/2007 02:39:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What future trends do you see for scrapping/papercrafting that MR may venture out towards? Much love to MR!

At 5/15/2007 01:53:00 PM, Blogger Ania said...

I love reading the little behind-the-scenes stories you come up with every now and then. So fun - thank you so much for allowing us to peek and see how it can be like in the industry - it's so out-of-reach for most of us and I for one am very very curious on what's going on :)

At 5/15/2007 10:37:00 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Hi, I love Maya road stuff. My question is when you are coming up with ideas for new products and designing do you stick with what appeals to you and assume/hope others will like it too, or do you try to put yourselves into a different mindset and think what might appeal to someone else IYKWIM

At 5/15/2007 10:47:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will MR ever offer a hard copy catalog of all the wonderful products? Or even on-line ordering direct from MR??


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