Tuesday, April 17, 2007

RAK ...

so here is a small picture of a RAK i have put together (see my last post) for a challenge I created! there is about $35 worth of stuff - a lot of MR stuff in here including some of our new keys, velvet flowers and binder. i also included some MR ribbons and a snippet of some cool felt i found. i encourage you to try out the challenge below - even if you don't have time, at least post and win a chance at this box of goodies.

now that the taxes are done, i can breathe a little bit easier. it is always hard to have those hangning over your head. for the last month, whenever i wanted to do something fun, i had this little nag over my head reminding me that i needed to get stuff together for uncle sam... and that made life a little less fun. but that is done now for a while so i can enjoy everything a bit more.

you know, one of my favorite parts of being with MR is teaching. the not so fun parts include account, counting inventory and filling out a claim form for lost packages with US mail. can i let you in on a secret? i have always wanted to be a teacher. in HS, i was deciding between teaching elementary school and chemical engineering and quiet hontestly Chem E won out because at that point, i wanted an excellent salary. but back to teaching...

i have only started teaching with our MR stuff in the last year. i was a nervous nellie in my first class and i was worried sick that i would be bad at it but you know what? i LOVED it. i love the planning aspect, the presentation making but most of all i love to share and for people to learn.
and with that, i am teaching more than i did last year especially since baby noah is a bit bigger.
so i wanted to share where i will be in the next couple of months:

1. online - if you can't get to one of my other classes, check out my class online that i developed for Scrapbility - it is a great concept and i love love love our neighbors to the north but the aweseome thing is that you don't have to be from canada to sign up. they have some great classes here - stop by and check out one of the free ones Jen created!

2. May 5th - I will be at The Scrapbook Pad in Colleyville, teaching a mini album class. i am anxious to check out and go shop at the store as I haven't be in since they remodelled! i have heard great things about the store! some of the MR gals will also be there the weekend before (April 28th) - to do some make and takes.

3. June 8th - 10th - I will be at Paper Tales to hang out with Kate and Cass and teach some classes. They have been customers of ours since we had our tiny table at HIA- Dallas (our very first show) so I can't wait.

4. monthly kits - I am the guest designer this month from Concroption - Tricia has put together a super cute kit with lots of MR goodies so make sure you check back to see what I created!
and that's it for now. so be sure to sign up for the RAK!


At 4/17/2007 07:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great looking box of goodies Caroline...and I hear you on the taxes...I have been a SAHM for 8 years, decided to go back to work last year and wowser....I wasn't expecting the results of our taxes :(

At 4/17/2007 08:30:00 PM, Blogger Anam_Kihaku said...

your classes at last years scrapfest in edmonton rocked!!!

off to have a think about your challenge and get something done for it.

At 4/18/2007 07:10:00 AM, Blogger Shirley said...

Congrats on the teaching gigs! when are you coming south? ;)

At 4/18/2007 08:47:00 AM, Blogger sheetal patel said...

after you head south, perhaps a trip to the northeast?? :)

At 4/18/2007 12:45:00 PM, Blogger Amber said...

ooo what a fun looking RAK! I love teaching too but I always get nervous as well! Its fun though!

At 4/19/2007 12:57:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I love teaching too- I'm a high school teacher, but moving a bit into the scrapping area if I can. I can understand why you love it! Life's too short to do something just for a big salary, isn't it? (Although having said that, I'd be super happy if the Education Dept. offered to pay us more!!)

Enjoy your classes!

At 4/20/2007 09:16:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A chance to win such wonderful MR goodies can't be passed by - thanks for giving us a chance at them. Wish I lived close enough to anywhere to be able to attend a class - so sad - but at least I can keep up with things online! Keep up the good work!

At 4/20/2007 11:10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yummy......Maya Road goodies!!!! I thouroughly enjoyed taking one of your classes at ScrapFest last year; you were an awesome teacher!!!!

At 4/20/2007 08:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your stuff rocks!! The new mini-books are sooooo cute! Can't wait!

At 4/20/2007 11:34:00 PM, Blogger Noelia said...

That's one amazing RAK! You're so generous! : )

At 4/21/2007 01:10:00 PM, Blogger eMeLiNe Seet said...

Great stuff u have there !!


At 4/21/2007 11:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome looking Rak.

At 4/23/2007 05:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great RAK - love those new keys:)


At 4/23/2007 10:41:00 PM, Blogger jenn said...

so cool! i'm going to do some of this too!!! :)

At 4/25/2007 11:30:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

having a lot of fun with my new MR clutch purse... and love your ribbons. Hope you can schedule some time here in NC soon.


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