Saturday, April 07, 2007


so as promised, here is the layout i did using a poem that i wrote in 1994. wow, that was a long time ago. i was so full of self-doubt and angst then - never really a smile on my face.

going off to find your way in the world is never easy. i can remember being a sophomore/junior in college and just how much i was ready to break out and show the world who i was. ah, it was the time of having my heart broken and breaking some hearts in return and just becoming who i was destined to be. life seemed so much more emotional then and the highs and lows seemed so much more intense.

and so i wrote many a letters and many a boxes of poetry. this is one of my favorites. i can remember writing it and emailing it to myself so i could print it out. i taped a copy to some old journal i had and that was what i found this week to complete this layout. this photo was from about the same time period. notice my lack of a smile.

the poem says everything that this picture reflects. i can look back on all of this and be grateful that i kept these mementos of that time past. it helps me to see just how far i have come in this life.

(PS, the RAK winner will be posted tomorrow evening!)


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