Wednesday, September 13, 2006


eight is considered a lucky number in chinese culture b/c the sound of how eight is pronouced sounds a lot like the sound for prosperity. it is rumored that people in hong kong and china will pay big buckaroos to get a license plate that says "88888" all across. and on the other hand four is a not so lucky number because it sounds a lot like the sound for death.

well, i have to say that eight is a lucky number for me today. see, it was eight years ago today that david and i started dating. i do have some pictures of us from back then but i was a film gal then and my scanner sucks so this picture from the early 2000s will have to do:

man we do look younger - funny how a couple of years and a tiny baby named noah can change you - LOL!

but ah to the story of how david and i started dating. there is a long story behind this day september 12, 1998 that i won't get into at this time (but it did include david standing me up for a run - and that in itself is another story which i will make him pay for the rest of his life) .

i can still remember it vividly like it was yesterday - we had gone out with a bunch of our friends to celebrate our friend's (Kim's) birthday (who is ironically my friend that watches noah now) - and being that we lived in a SMALL population-less-than-20,000-people town in west texas, we had gone to the big city of amarillo to celebrate.

we had mexican food and then it was off to this country / western bar for karaoke. well only about 4 of us were brave enough to get up on stage in front of like 200 cowboys and their dates and we sang "LOVE SHACK" by the B-52s. david was the only guy singing, and well by then i pretty much knew i liked him (hey if you can sing "love shack, yeah baby LOVE shack" really loud and off key in front of 200 strangers like david did, then that is pretty cool in my book)

i had known for a while that i had a crush on david and i suspected that he liked me too. i wasn't 100% sure at that time and since we worked together, i was worried that if things didn't work out with us, it could have been a messy situation.

but in the end of the night, i had waited long enough - i had to make my move on david - i reached out for his hand in his 98 honda accord and later that night i planted a big kiss on his lips ( hey, i am not the shy type and i go after what i want).

wow, eight years has flown by! we have had our ups and downs but it has been one of the best times of my life. love isn't easy and it is a choice we make each day. i can't imagine my life with anyone else now.

so here is to eight great years, hon. love you.


At 9/13/2006 01:50:00 AM, Blogger Marie said...

Aw! That's romantic! Enjoy the day.

At 9/13/2006 03:02:00 AM, Blogger Illustrator Junkie said...

I want to hear Big David sing Love Shack again when we go to Karaoke in HK! :)

At 9/13/2006 07:34:00 AM, Blogger Shirley said...

Happy 8th anniversary! Hope that your parents don't read your blog! ;) C&D - I can't believe you go to Karaoke bars in HK! :)

At 9/13/2006 08:00:00 AM, Blogger Tamara said...

Happy 8th anniversary :)

It's hard to believe that it's coming up for 8 for us too. We met in Dec 98 and started dating in Jan 99. How time flies.....

At 9/13/2006 11:11:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

You go girl!! There is no stopping you when you know what you want, and no waiting for the guy to ask you out either!! Cute story!! Happy 'dating' anniversairy!

At 9/13/2006 11:44:00 AM, Blogger Laura Vigliarolo said...

Cograds on 8 years of happiness, here's to many, many more.

At 9/13/2006 12:00:00 PM, Blogger Marina said...

Happy Anniversary Caroline and David, what a great story thanks for sharing with us, it is so wonderful to hear!!!

At 9/13/2006 12:07:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

At 9/13/2006 02:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm sitting in my junior executive cube, a little teary eyed. I remember that day and the thrill of holding hands and kissing. I'm so glad that things unfolded like they did, because I couldn't be happier.

You're right, that there have been hard times. It's weird though, because I don't really remember the details, but I do remember all the happy times we've had.

Lastly, I'm a little shocked that you didn't know for sure that I liked you - I did run until I was hobbled. I also did other things silly things (Digimon).

I love you too and look forward to the rest of our lives together.

At 9/13/2006 02:15:00 PM, Blogger Heather said...

LOVE that you shared how you and David started dating. Great story!

AND how precious is it the he posted with a response!! How freaking awesome!

At 9/14/2006 08:33:00 PM, Blogger Heather M. said...

Awwwwww, that is so awesome! Happy 8 years!


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